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Class Family TeamSpeak Etiquette

     • Upon entering the Lobby move to another Channels as quickly as possible

     • Announce your arrival upon entering a Channel

     • Watch your language, adult language & subject matter. We are a diverse group                that includes children.

     • Subjects to be avoided include but are not limited to politics, religion, sexual                  orientation, and race

      • Please use Waiting Rooms: – Do not enter an occupied Stronghold, Clan Wars, or          Tournament Channel unless invited in – If you need to speak with an Officer in            their office when it is occupied by more than one person move to the waiting                room and “poke” the Officer. Wait for them to move you into their office.

      • To view material posted in an Officer's room there is no need to enter the office.            All you need to do is click on the Channel and the available content will show in          the description panel.


1.1 Respect:

All members are to be treated with the utmost respect. I will not tolerate any type of bullying or harassment in this clan. You may be given a warning or kicked however I will take the time to explain why and give you a chance to explain in case there is a mistake.


1.2 Vulgar language:

I would appreciate it if we kept this to a minimum. I know that sometimes it slips out and it is tough to control but let's try to keep it under wraps. If i get complaints about it, I will let the person in question know so we can find a solution. This also includes the word "RETARD". I have worked in SPED (Special Education) for several years now and find it to be an outdated and crude word. I will call out people using it regardless of the case. I am firm on this rule. Absolutely no exceptions. If it slips out just apologize and remember it for the next time.


1.3 Disagreements:

There will be disagreements at times. All parties are expected to be respectful towards each other and sort it out like ladies and gentlemen. At no point should the argument become personal. Should name calling or vulgar language ensue, please contact a Senior Officer (Personnel Officer, Executive Officer or Commander) to calm the situation. They will ensure it is sorted out and deal out any disciplinary action if it is deemed appropriate. They may also choose to consult other officers.


1.4 Political Discussions:

CLASS Clan does not have any stance on political topics or events that happen in this world. Members are free to voice their opinions and discuss with each other openly as long as it follows clan rules. I know these conversations can get fairly heated at times. Please refer to 1.3.


1.5 TeamSpeak Gif/Images:

No vulgar images or videos should be used in our TeamSpeak. This includes avatars and names that are different then your in game name. If any report is given for this kind of infraction you will be asked to either remove or change it.


1.6 TeamSpeak tags are not to be changed or added to the server without a Commanders permission. All tags should have a connection to the game and should not be demeaning or make fun of a member. No vulgar or sexual tags.


1.7 Member descriptions are not to be changed without prior approval of the member. Unless it is to add a tank that they had not added.


1.8 Descriptions and names of rooms should not be changed without the owners permission. No personal rooms should be deleted without prior notification of the owner. This will prevent loss of data and confusion.


1.9 No horse play in TeamSpeak this includes kicking people without cause or resetting the server without it being needed.




2.1 People may only be banned from TeamSpeak by the following people without permission (Michiganspartans, lordtomas_sniper). All 3 will have a tag in Teamspeak3 indicating that they have ban powers.


2.2 If a Clan Commander or XO feels the need to ban someone from TeamSpeak they must ask permission of the 3 people above.


2.2.1 If the situation is dire, they may ban the person but must realize the case will be revisited and they will be held responsible. They must also alert a Regional Commander+.


2.3 If someone is banned from the server, three things must happen. First, 3 officers (Personnel or Above) must discuss the circumstances and decide if it is the correct course of action. Second, if the verdict is yes, the person who is going to be banned must be verbally told that they will be banned and why. Lastly, they must ask an authorized person to ban said person or receive permission.


3. Participation in TeamSpeak:


3.1 All Class members must be logged in to TeamSpeak during the hours of 7pm-12am eastern time if they are in game(WOT). If you are not logged in you will be asked to login as soon as possible. THIS IS REQUIRED!!


3.2 If for some reason you aren't able. Please talk to a Personnel Officer as soon as possible to communicate why you are unable so they can make sure others are aware.


3. All clan rules also apply!!

TeamSpeak Rules

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